웹 개발자들에게 새로운 영역을 만들어준 AIR, 그 중 각 카테고리를 나누어 60개의 Application을 소개하고 있습니다. 하나씩 리뷰해 보다가 60개 다하기가 녹녹치 않네요.. 그래서 그냥 올립니다.ㅋㅋ
플래시가 여러 가지 분야에서 웹서비스로 또는 데스크탑 어플로 제작되어 서비스되고 있지만 좀더 사용되는 범위가 넓어지고, 또 좀더 창의적인 툴들이 더 많아졌으면 하는 바램입니다...ㅎㅎ
여기에서 확인하세요
( http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/60-useful-adobe-air-applications-you-should-know/ )
Google : Collection of Google product related AIR applications.
Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Maps 등의 구글 서비스를 제공한다. -
Google Reader의 desktop 버전. -
Google Analytics Reporting Suite
Google Analytics 의 desktop 버전.
Photo & Video : Photo, video를 검색, 편집, 저장, 업로드.
Flickr Desktop Search
Flickr image 검색을 desktop에서... -
flickr에 content, titles, tags등을 추가하여 이미지를 업로드 하는 툴. -
Flickr Flipper
Flickr 이미지를 검색해소 그 결과를 Papervision 을 이용해 보여주고 다운로드도 할 수 있다 -
이미지 보기 툴이랄까..알씨 같은 툴인거 같은데 슬라이드쇼도 보여주고…
로컬 이나 유튜브 같은 원격 서버에서 flv, mp4 비디오를 찾아 재생시켜준다. -
AIRTube Video Downloader
유튜브 동영상을 드래그 또는 비디오 URL을 붙여넣기 하는 걸로 다운로드 할 수 있게 하고 동영상 미리보기도 지원한다 -
FLV 파일을 편집한다. Swf 파일로 변환 시키기도 하고 음향을 mp3파일로 추출할 수도 있다. -
YouTube, Truveo 동영상을 좀 특별한 방식으로 공유 하게끔 되있네요. -
online, offline FLV video 관리 툴. -
Adobe Media Player
이건 많이들 아시죠..
Design : Adoeb AIR tools that sharpen your design skill.
URL을 입력하면 세가지 방식으로 이미지를 얻을 수있다. - Thumbnail, Browser or fullpage view. -
JPG, GIF, PNG 이미지 크기 resizing 툴. -
몇가지 기능이 있는 위젯 같은 칼라픽커. -
ColourLovers Desktop Color Finder
Desktop Color Finder lets you search our entire database of nearly 1 million named colors and more than 300,00 user created color palettes. -
Font Picker
Font picker allows you to find the right font for the job. -
Icon Generator
Icon Generator is a little application that lets you generate a CS3 or Web 2.0 style icon, only 3 step. Pick color, type characters, and save it. -
WebKut is an AIR application that allows you to capture web pages, or parts of them in a very simple way. -
Color Browser
Color Browser is a simple way to create and organize your favorite color palettes. Sets of colors are easily viewable in a clean interface. -
Photoshop Express Uploader
Photoshop Express Uploader lets you drag and drop photos from your desktop to upload to Photoshop Express.
Microblogging : Adobe AIR applications that allow you to communicate with microblogs easier and faster.
TweetDeck is an Adobe Air desktop application that aims to evolve the existing functionality of Twitter by taking an abundance of information. -
Alert Thingy
Alert Thingy allows users to see the data stream from people they follow on FriendFeed, and post new messages directly to the service. -
Life streaming to your desktop. View, rate and comment on what your friends are sharing online, using one simple and easy to use desktop tool. -
MySocial AIR
MySocial is the newest Twitter/FriendFeed desktop app on the block, although MySocial has previously released a Firefox sidebar addon that offers similar functionality. -
Twhirl connects to multiple Twitter, laconi.ca, Friendfeed and seesmic accounts. -
Posty simplifies your microblogging. All you have to do is writing the message and clicking a button. Posty will automatically deliver your message to the services you selected. -
Toro is a very simple Twitter client that aims for a speedier Twitter. -
Spaz is a Twitter client for users who value free, open-source software, attractive design, and customizability -
bTT lets you receive update from friendfee, post to friendfeed, send and receive tweets with twitter out of one application on your desktop. -
Tweetr lets you send files to your friends, but just dragging any file on to Tweetr. Tweetr will automatically upload your file and when it is done will provide a short url to send to your friends
Social Network : Adobe AIR applications that blend your favourite social networks into your desktop.
DiggTop is an application for Windows and MacOSX that lets you view a blended list of your favourite Digg topic or keyword feeds. -
facedesk is an application that, when installed, becomes a stand-alone application to do all your Facebook surfing with. -
Flair is a free, easy to install application that lets you know whenever you're poked, or someone writes on your wall, or adds you as a friend – without having to constantly check the Facebook website or your email. -
Now all your contacts are in one place wherever you are. There's no need to create an account and you only have to add details for the other IM networks once. -
The Digg mini client brings the latest news from Digg to your desktop. It also allows you to store the stories to your computer.
Miscellaneous : Other useful desktop Adobe AIR applications.
Wordpress Comment Moderator
Moderator is a WordPress Plugin and associated desktop application, built using Adobe AIR, that allows you to view and moderate comments from your desktop. -
Apprise Reader
Apprise lets you read all your news in one place, and share it all in one place, too. With built-in support for over ten different ways to share stories, -
Ora Time and Expense
Ora Time and Expense is a small easy-to-use application for tracking and generating timesheets, expense reports, and invoices. -
Timeloc is a desktop widget that keeps track of the time you have spent working on a job or project. It will no longer be a case of guess work as to how much you need to bill your clients or assign to a project -
Doomi is a simple to-do-list application that designed to stay out of your way, be easy to use and look pretty. -
Klok is a tool intended to be used by individuals, who have a need to track the time they spend on projects, tasks or anything else for that matter. -
MiniTask is a FREE, fast and easy-to-use task management application that helps you with organising your daily todos more efficiently. -
Agile Agenda
Agile Agenda is a project scheduling utility focused on allowing project managers to enter data about tasks. The software is capable of dynamically adjusting to changing conditions that occur during a project life cycle. -
Xdrive Desktop Lite
Xdrive Desktop Lite allows you to easily upload files and folders right from your hard drive, desktop, USB devices, or removable storage drives directly into your Xdrive web storage. -
AirTalkr is a multi-protocol Instant Messenger that connects to MSN, Yahoo!, GTalk, AOL and ICQ. Not only that, it also has connects to to various Web 2.0 services like Flickr and YouTube. -
Pownce Desktop 2.0
Pownce makes it even faster to read and send notes to your friends - CL Desktop
– Craigslist is huge, and this application just makes sense. It's easy to use and saves you time with saved searches and the ability to view pictures right from the original list. - EarthBrowser
– EarthBrowser is a revolutionary new platform for viewing and creating geographically based information. - ebay Desktop
– eBay Desktop is made for search, bidding, browsing, and watching. It's all there, with a brand new interface. - Finetune Desktop
– Finetune Desktop gives you quick access to your custom playlists and will keep track of your favorite music from Finetune. - Pandora Desktop
– With the Pandora Desktop Application, you can play your Pandora stations right from your desktop – without opening a new browser window. - Snackr
– Snackr is a RSS ticker that pulls random items from your feeds and scrolls them across your desktop. When you see a title that looks interesting, you can click on it to pop up the item in a window. - AIR iPhone
– AIR iPhone is a desktop application created with Adobe AIR and Adobe Flex 3, it simulates the UI of the iPhone. It has the capabilities to make calls, receive calls, check voicemail, add contacts and even send voice messages. - Adobe Developer Connection Developer Desktop
– Adobe Developer Connection Developer Desktop (ADC Desktop) is an Adobe AIR application that delivers a number of helpful resources for Developers.
Resources : Resources, tutorials and collections of Adobe AIR applications.
airapps Wiki
A collection of Adobe® AIR™ applications out in the wild that the community can update. -
An online community site, built using their own products and targeted to support developers building open source projects for our products and platform. -
Apollo Hunter
A community to share and download Adobe AIR applications with no cost. -
The ultimate resource for enthusiasts of Adobe AIR. -
Adobe AIR Marketplace
Adobe AIR Marketplace is a place where AIR developers can publish their Adobe AIR applications for users to download. -
Adobe Air Tutorials
Adobe AIR Tutorials. Articles, resources, tutorials, and downloads. -
Refreshing Apps
Adobe AIR application showcase and resources.
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